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Medieval times, the dark ages
Where the value of life is low
While the value of possessions are high
Morality a concept spoken much, used little
Religion, purpose meant for true life,
- manipulated for evil
Oh what a tangled web we weave
Medieval times, an era of barbarians
A time known more for its destruction
The strong belief that one is superior by right
The hatred of a person by race, hearsay,
- and ignorance
Hatred strong enough to lead to prejudice
Prejudice strong enough to lead to verbal abuse,
- slander and death
Prejudice strong enough to withhold the truths
From the very textbooks we use for history
The very history we use to try and learn from
In the effort to cease the repetition of facts over different years
Yet we wonder why history continually repeats itself
Oh what a tangled web we weave
An age of brilliance, I think not
For this is an era dominated by technology with
- sparse amounts of common sense
An era glimmering with artificial lights only to be
- shadowed by impenetrable doom
A doom made up of greed, hopelessness, violence, and hate
A hate that breeds riots, war, and the destruction of humanity
This is our age of brilliance?
Oh what a tangled web we weave
Oh what a tangled web we weave
- Anthony Reid
"Loki the Poet"