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(DM Ladee Po3t to buy Direct)
Head up Queen
That’s the thing
Lately you’ve been fighting off something
You keep telling everyone that its nothing
But I know you’re sad
I know it’s bad
You see right there I saw it
You teared up just a little bit
You closed your eyes and suppressed it
I said!!!! *knocks on mirror*
Head up Queen!!
I know it’s a thing
Stop being so upset
You can’t change everyone’s perspective
Have you seen the things you’ve accomplished
I know you want more
But you know it takes time right
Don’t roll your eyes
Your hair is fine
Your smile is beautiful
Stop wasting your time trying to fix what’s already perfect
There you go
That smile was genuine
Your head is raised high
Your eyes full of joy
Your skin is glowing
I see your confidence
Now you’re ready
Speak those words of affirmation
You are beautiful
You are smart
You are confident
You belong here
You will conquer every goal you set
You are a Queen.. And that is a fact!
- Te’erra Jones
“Ladee Po3t”